Ever noticed why the smell of baking bread or freshly brewed coffee makes a space seem cozier? Or why the smell of hospitals just makes the place seem colder?
Now does this mean that we can alter our mood's' by just smelling different scents?
Knowledge on how different smells can influence one's emotions and feelings is not something new. In fact, Lets reflect our theory based on a highly probable experience of the majority : 'catching a cold'.
- your nose gets stuffy, your cant sleep, your mom makes you inhale menthol, the nasal congestion diffuses, and you feel much better.
Menthol is in fact one of nature's decongestants. It exudes a sense of being Fresh as well as Clean. Derived from the essences of peppermint and mint oils, it has a cooling sensation to it which also does much for the soothing of irritations. It has been around in Japan for more than 2000 years.
Ok. So we agree that smelling a scent can improve how we 'physically' feel.
How about emotionally?
Do you feel happier when you smell apples, lillies, or wet grass?
What scents make you feel hungry?
How do you feel when you smell formalin?
Different people react differently to each and every scent. Some might feel happy when they smell flowers in the middle of the night. Others might take it differently.
It is in fact a matter of personal preferance, and is very much related to a more psychological point of view.
We associate certain smells with a familiar memory of our own.
just like, when i smell musk, I am always reminded of my 'Grampa' as he always did smell of it. Or how the smell of new textbooks brings me back to the memories of being in a classroom.
I used to categorize smells into 2 classes
- good smells / smells i like
- bad smells / smells i dont
Well, it seems that there is more to it than that.
Appreciate your ability to smell.
ENT speciaists should advertize on my page ;)
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